SCN Art:
Full gallery
Thank you for viewing! If you like my style, please commission me - and keep in mind that I'm willing to try things I haven't drawn before.

Full body (1 focal point) | Rendered | Complex background, decoration, complex character design

Full body (1 focal point) | Rendered | No add-ons

Full body (1 focal point) | Rendered | Complex background, decoration
Cel Shading

Headshot (1 focal point) | Cel shading | No add-ons

Headshot (1 focal point) | Cel shading | No add-ons

2 focal points | Cel shading | No add-ons (Complex character design is free unless the drawing is rendered)

Headshot (1 focal point) | Cel shading | No add-ons

2 focal points | Cel shading | No add-ons

Headshot (1 focal point) | Cel shading | No add-ons

Full body (1 focal point) | Silhouette | Decoration

2 focal points | Silhouette | No add-ons
SCN Art:
Terms of Service
You must agree to these terms before purchasing art from me.Last edited: 8/13/2024
I (Kit) reserve the right to my art. All usage must be credited to me.
No matter how you are using the artwork, you must credit me in some way. For instance, if you use a headshot I created as a profile picture, please include credit for the art in your bio. If you edit the art beyond flipping or resizing the image, please include a note of which edits were made and by whom. Credit me as the creator and any editor(s) with their part in the editing.I reserve the right to control how my art is used.
If you are using my art in a hateful way, making money off of it without permission, or claiming it as your own, I will ask you to stop. Due to the nature of the internet, I will likely be powerless to change your behavior, but I will blacklist you from commissioning me and I will warn other artists against taking commissions from you.
If you wish to monetize one or more of my designs, please bring this up during the commission process! I would be happy to work with you as long as I can take a cut of the profit from sales.All of my art goes through Glaze.
To avoid my artwork getting scraped to train AI models, I run it through a program called Glaze. This program makes minute changes to individual pixels in the images, preventing generative AI from using the images correctly in their databases. Humans viewing the pieces generally will not notice anything different about the art before and after Glazing. While one artist doing this is insignificant, if everyone does their part, we can throw a wrench in the system that is AI art generation – and if you want artists to still be around in the future, I’d recommend you Glaze or otherwise disrupt your own art.
Learn more about Glaze here.50% payment must be given upfront.
If changes are made during creation that raise or lower the price of the artwork, I will neither request additional payment nor refund. If changes are made that decrease the cost of the artwork by more than half (such that you have paid more upfront than the work will cost in its entirety), no refund will be made. Once I have completed the artwork, you must pay the total cost of the piece minus however much you paid upfront. I will keep track of payment for you.I reserve the right to refuse service.
Just because you reached out to me does not guarantee I will take your commission. I might refuse because I do not feel capable of what you are asking me to create, because I do not feel comfortable with the subject matter, or simply because I do not want to take that specific commission at that specific time. If I refuse to take a commission from you, I will almost certainly tell you why I refused. I might invite you to check in later and request the same artpiece from me, once I feel more comfortable with it.I reserve the right to terminate contracts.
If I decide to drop a commission partway through, I will fully refund you. This has a nonzero chance of happening; however, it is very unlikely. In the circumstance that I should drop your commission, I will explain why. If I am physically and mentally capable of drawing, I will likely offer to take a different commission from you at a discounted price.
I look forward to taking your commission!